Original Painting by Jerry Coker
Title: “Animal in the Garden”
One of our favorite paintings by Coker. From Joe Freck’s personal collection.
16 1/2″ W X 21″ H acrylic painting
Not sure if the animal is an elephant but this one is really beautiful and unique!
$599 plus exact Shipping and Handling. Any additional shipping fee will be billed separately.
About Artist Jerry Coker
Popular “Outsider Artist”- Self Taught
Born: DeWitt, Arkansas 1938
Basically began doing art in 1954. He is now a popular Gainesville artist who has been featured in art publications and articles. He is known for his creations of masks, paintings, and sculptures.
Freck’s Auto Art is a big fan of Jerry and his wife Monica’s paintings and drawings, too! Freck’s is pleased to be able to present their works!